Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 3 Getting around Studio Kura part 2

I suppose to make an artwork during my stay, before i go to Japan i already have a rough idea about what i'm going to make. Now what i need to do is collecting reference and researching stage. In order to make an artwork that is inspired by japanese culture, the best way to do it is come and see the culture! So after finished collecting some resources for my project, it's time to take a real fresh air. The bike is now working, sugoi! (awesome). I left the studio and went to see the shrine / temple that's just behind the studio. 
Hiro-san doing some painting with kodomo (kids)

Right above the shrine, there is a hill / small mountain that we can climb on foot. It's really not necessary to have a path-finding skills to go all the way to the top, because there are this small paths have been cleared out for us just enough to walk through, you just need to watch your steps because it might be slippery! After climbed down the hill, i went to different direction towards Fukuoka city.

The bamboo trees are very tall

The view from the hill

The shrine located just below the hill

The road towards Fukuoka city has more restaurants and supermarkets compare to the opposite one. Maybe the area is more closer to the city side so the scenery is feels different here, the rice fields are nowhere to be found! So if you want to shop for your daily needs, this area might give you more options. I wanted to cycle around further, but since the day is getting dark i decided to head back to the studio. On my way home, there was a beach which i passed by earlier not far from the studio. I just stop my bike for a while and wait until the sun vanished to the horizon.

Yup, just to proof this wasn't from google map

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