Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 21 Placing Armature to Platform

Now it's time to put the whole thing together on the platform, starting with the legs as the base, the legs is the main key thus it must have a strong foundation. i add another clay at the tip of the foot to make the lower part of the foot flat, then cut it to have a hard crisp shape.

After i got the clean shape of the foot, i placed the clay at the middle of the wood platform then add markings on the corners. Not only the corners, the markings for the armatures are also important later not only to know where to place the clay, but also for the holes so the wires can go all the way inside the wood platform. I used a tracing paper to put of the markings and holes, then i projected the markings from the paper into the wood platform.

Put markings on the tracing paper
Now since we have the markings, i took out the armatures from the leg and baked it again on the microwave, since the lower part of the foot must be very flat and solid to stick on the ground.
By this stage, we need to glue the armature with the clay and platform, so we need to confirm that the clay wont' need any more baking, because it might be dangerous to put any wires inside the microwave.

Project the markings on to the platform
 After that i drill the holes on the platform then plant the armatures with the legs part, then put super glue on them so it will bond stronger. As the legs stood still, i tried to place to upper torso and the head to see if the leg is strong enough to support the upper body. Seems its doing a pretty good job holding up the weight and giving a firm construction on my sculpture.

So once all the big main parts are done, i can assemble the rest of minor parts to cover the joint parts and paint them on the finishing stage.

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