Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 7 Peter Granser Exhibition

Peter posing in front studio
Ohaiyu gozaimasu! It's almost 9 AM still a bit sleepy though, hmm maybe it's because the Sake effect (excuse) haha.. Anyway, today is Peter's solo exhibition and he's gonna do photography exhibition with some installations. The exhibition was quite interesting with photos that has placed nicely around the studio. He even invite a japanese flute player as he shows some of his video artworks, nicely done!

Peter explains about his artworks and process behind it

A small foodstall at the exhibition

Beatrice having a chat with the visitors and Paul Nicholson previous Kura artist at the back

Hiro showing off his "salesman skills" :p
 A rare sight to have a Japanese flute play in front of you

Quite a lot of people came to the exhibition, and i managed to make new friends as well! After seeing how Peter did his exhibition, it gives me an idea about how to present your artwork to make people interested. Well guess i will be the next, ganbate!

One of my favorite from Peter's exhibition

A feast after the Exhibition

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